We specialise in doctors: Aside from being Australia’s oldest and most respected medical locum agency, Austwide Locums specialises in doctors interested in public or private hospital work as well as the special interest fields of Justice Health, Sporting Events and Special Events – to name a few. By focusing on placing doctors as medical locums, we have become the preferred locum agency for most major hospitals throughout Australia.
We provide personal support: We like our doctors to consider us their personal support team. The Doctors can speak with any of our skilled staff who are dedicated to both cultivating each doctor’s career and placing them at their preferred department and location.
We maintain real-time shift listings: Austwide Locums maintains a real-time listing of available shifts on our website, which doctors can access with their personal access code. Apply for your shifts through the website, any time, any day. We process shift paperwork on the day your shift is confirmed, with weekend shifts documented the next business day.
We offer a comprehensive education/skills program: Austwide Locums offers doctors a comprehensive, free or heavily subsidised education/skills program. In the last few years over 400 of our doctors have attended free courses in Advanced Life Support, Emergency Medicine Crisis Management and Neonate Resuscitation or Paediatric Emergency Course. No other locum agency offers a comparable program to support the education and the skills development of the doctors.
We operate to ISO9001 standards: Austwide Locums is fully accredited to ISO9001
standards and is an active member of the Recruitment and Consulting Services
Association [RCSA].